60 Years Later: "I Have a Dream"

The Content Store

This package takes a deep dive into the Civil Rights Movement, and the progress and setbacks that the United States has taken since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" Speech from 1963.

This product features 3 unique covers, 6 informative stories, and multiple advertising spaces throughout. Both digital/online and print are available to best suit your customers’ needs. Topics covered include:

  • Beyond the 'dream' Other important speeches and actions by MLK Jr.
  • What we can learn from King the man today
  • Civil rights movement and modern society

Is your publication no longer running print tabs in your paper? No problem! This content can be utilized however suits your publications needs - run as a special weekly story for six weeks of content, publish online to include in your email newsletters, talk to a local advertiser to get an entire section branded and sponsored by them - the possibilities are endless!

Note: Your size refers to your publication's circulation size/DMI

Originally published October 26, 2022.

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